Thursday, October 25, 2012
Flooding the Cavern
""" Assignment 4, CIS 210, Fall 2012
Author: Audrey Stroh
Credits: I used the "gridpy," "," "cave.txt" and "" files from Professor Michael Young from
Determines the number of distinct chambers in a grid representation of
a cavern by flood-filling each discovered air pocket.
Usage: python3 cavedesc.txt
Requires, (for displaying cavern as grid of cells)
import sys
import grid
sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # Max cavern size 100 x 100 = 10,000 cells
# Symbols to represent what is in a particular cell of the cavern.
AIR = " "
STONE = "#"
WATER = "~"
def read_cave( path ):
"""Read a cave description from file at path.
path: file name path for cave description, e.g.,
"/Users/bart/caves/cave1.txt" or "c:\caves\cave1.txt"
or "cave1.txt" if the cave is in the current directory.
the cavern as a matrix (list of lists) of strings.
file = open(path)
cave_open = False
for line in file:
fields = line.split()
command = fields[0]
if command == "cave" :
validate(len(fields) == 3, "Syntax 'cave rows cols'", line)
nrows = int(fields[1])
ncols = int(fields[2])
validate(nrows > 0, "Rows should be a positive integer", line)
validate(ncols > 0, "Columns should be a positive integer", line)
cave = new_cave(nrows, ncols)
cave_open = True
elif command == "hwall" :
validate(cave_open, "First line should be 'cave rows cols'", line)
validate(len(fields) == 4, "Syntax 'hwall startrow startcol length'", line)
validate(cave_open, "cave command must precede hwall command", line)
start_row = int(fields[1])
start_col = int(fields[2])
length = int(fields[3])
validate(start_row >= 0, "Start row must be integer, zero or greater", line)
validate(start_col >= 0, "Start column must be integer, zero or greater", line)
validate(length >= 1, "Length of wall must be integer, at least 1", line)
validate(start_col + length <= ncols, "Wall cannot extend beyond right edge", line)
hwall(cave, start_row, start_col, length)
elif command == "vwall" :
validate(cave_open, "First line should be 'cave rows cols'", line)
validate(len(fields) == 4, "Syntax 'vwall startrow startcol length'", line)
validate(cave_open, "cave command must precede vwall command", line)
start_row = int(fields[1])
start_col = int(fields[2])
length = int(fields[3])
validate(start_row >= 0, "Start row must be integer, zero or greater", line)
validate(start_col >= 0, "Start column must be integer, zero or greater", line)
validate(length >= 1, "Length of wall must be integer, at least 1", line)
validate(start_row + length <= nrows, "Wall cannot extend through floor", line)
vwall(cave, start_row, start_col, length)
print("**Command not understood: ", line)
return cave
def validate(condition, msg, line):
"""If condition (boolean value) is not true, give the error message and the
line that violates the condition, and exit the program.
(Otherwise no effect)
condition: A boolean value (typically written as an expression, e.g., "x > 12")
msg: Message to user if the condition is not true
line: An input line to display to the user to show where the error occurred
Nothing if the condition is true. If the condition is false, this
function also doesn't return because it stops the program.
if condition:
print("*** Invalid command line:", msg)
print("*** in line: ", line)
def new_cave(nrows, ncols):
"""Create and return a new cave with
nrows rows and ncols columns, initially filled
entirely with air.
nrows: How many rows of cells in this cavern?
At most 50 recommended for reasonable performance.
ncols: How many columns of cells in this cavern?
At most 50 recommended for reasonable performance.
Returns: A matrix of cells in the form of a list of
nrows lists of ncols cells. Each cell is represented as a
one-character string.
cave = [ ]
for row in range(nrows):
newRow = [ ]
for col in range(ncols):
return cave
def hwall(cave,row,col,length):
"""Build a horizontal wall of stone starting from (row,col) and
extending length cells to the right.
Example: hwall(cave,3,3,2) sets cells (3,3) and (3,4) of cave to STONE
cave: A matrix (list of lists) representing the cavern
row: Row in which the new wall will be built
col: Beginning column of the new wall
length: The new wall starts at (row, col) and extends length
cells to (row, col + length - 1)
for i in range(length):
cave[row][col+i] = STONE
def vwall(cave,row,col,length):
"""Build a vertical wall of stone starting from (row,col) and
extending length cells down.
cave: A matrix (list of lists) representing the cavern
row: Beginning row of the new wall
col: Column in which the new wall will be built
length: The new wall starts at (row, col) and extends length
cells to (row + length - 1, col)
Returns: nothing
for i in range(length):
cave[row+i][col] = STONE
def display(cave):
"""Create a graphical representation of cave using the grid.
This graphical representation can be further manipulated
(e.g., filling cave cells with water of various colors)
using the fill_cell method of module grid.
cave: A matrix (list of lists) representing the cavern
Nothing, but has the side effect of creating a graphical
grid representation of the cavern in a 500x500 pixel window.
nrows = len(cave)
ncols = len(cave[0])
grid.make(nrows, ncols, 500, 500)
for row in range(nrows):
for col in range(ncols):
if cave[row][col] == STONE :
grid.fill_cell(row, col,
def fill(cave, row, col, color):
"""Fill a chamber of the cave with water, starting
at row, col. Water can spread in all four cardinal
directions, but cannot penetrate stone. No effect
if row or col are not inside the cave.
Attempting to pour water where there is already WATER or STONE
has no effect. Attempting to pour water outside the cavern has
no effect. Attempting to pour water in a cell containing AIR
not only places colored water in that cell, but also spreads it
in all directions by causing it to be poured in the cell to the
left and right and above and below.
cave: A matrix (list of lists) representing the cavern. Each
cell in the cave may hold AIR, STONE, or WATER.
row: Starting row of the grid cell where we pour water
col: Starting column of the grid cell where we pour water
color: color of the water we try to pour in.
# Check to see if a given cell location is within the grid...
# ...if not, return and move on.
if row<0:
if row>=len(cave):
if col<0:
if col>=len(cave[0]):
#recursive if statement to fill chambers with water.
if cave[row][col] == AIR :
cave[row][col] = WATER
grid.fill_cell(row, col, color)
# move UP?
fill(cave, row, col-1, color)
#move DOWN?
fill(cave, row, col+1, color)
# move LEFT?
fill(cave, row-1, col, color)
#move RIGHT?
fill(cave, row+1, col, color)
def main():
"""Reads a cave from a specified configuration file,
displays it, and fills each chamber with a different color
of water.
Args (from command line):
Cave description file, example, "cave.txt"
Usage: python3 cave.txt
desc = sys.argv[1]
cave = read_cave(desc)
for row in range( len(cave)) :
for col in range( len(cave[0])):
if cave[row][col]==AIR:
color = grid.get_cur_color()
fill(cave, row, col, color)
print(chamb_count, " chambers in cavern")
print("Click mouse in cavern display to close")
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